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General Question For WTC Coins !


12:42 pm
May 24, 2008



posts 40


So with these coins from the world trade center there are alot of

unknown factors. If you have a general question maybe somebody

can answer it, maybe not. If you don't ask however you will never


Any question is a good question on this forum.

6:38 am
June 1, 2008


New Member

posts 2



Excellent job getting this site running. I would love to hear more about the population of these coins. There are more $50 AGE GemUnc out there.

I have seen a 1994 and 1986 on ebay.

8:44 am
June 1, 2008



posts 40



First thanks for the kind words, you are right there are many more coins that needs to get up on the site and I am working on it. Sometimes I will let another storry sit on the front page and just ad post to the subcategories. There is a thing in the program that lets me change dates on the post so I can change the order of the post. So even if you don't see something new on the front page the category pages are being updated everyday until I am finished.

Thanks again and please use this website as a refference to the WTC coins.



4:13 am
September 25, 2008

Gold Sovereign


posts 18


Heres a question for you guys. Why was there coins such as the Jamacian 1/2 penny in the vaults? Are these a rare coin in general? Also the Uruguauy 10 Pesos, 1/2 an ounce of silver, surely those doesn`t merit, being keep in a vault. It such a small amount of silver merits this why are there no Morgan or Maria Theresa Dollars?…. Anyone got any views?

2:18 pm
October 2, 2008



posts 40


Great question I put a storry together the other day about the subject and put it up on the front page I am sure you have read it by now. I am not sure about the numbers on the jamacian 1/2 penny but I think it was a huge number also. like the 5000 coins of the 10 pesos and its a good

question what where they doing there. I hear that in the start no dealer

would buy these coins as the population numbers where huge and

it was a coin that did not fit in like the $1 silver eagle. So its a good question

and I hope we both will be around when the answers comes out

2:34 am
December 21, 2008



posts 19


ok, have been looking at WTC 2001 ms69 $50 eagles recently, anyone have an idea on price,think $5750 is a bit heavy,any thoughts?

7:58 am
December 23, 2008



posts 40


Yes that is a great coin its also on my wish list, I have seen the coin on ebay a few times but never under 5k. It has looked like the WTC coins has come back in price a bit since the start so maybe if you send an offer of $4,500 you might get you one ? 

4:13 pm
May 14, 2009


New Member

posts 1


I have two sets of the 1/190's and I am trying to determine the value. Can anyone help me? I've had them for about 5 years.

9:11 am
May 17, 2009



posts 40



The full set of 1 of 190 means 6 coins, the 4 gold coins, 1 silver and 1 platinum coin. I would say the value is between 10-15k depending on bidders on Ebay.

The platinum coin alone will be 6-7k

The 1oz gold coin will be 3-4k

If you sell it as a set you should get a great price.

Remember you can also list them here at the forum and see what kind of responce you get.

Thanks for joining the forum



11:46 am
May 22, 2009


New Member

posts 2


Can anyone tell me if there were any 2003 eagles recovered at the WTC?  I've purchased one, and the seller said that it was 1 of only 72 of this date recovered.  Since then, I've searched for any information on this date with not much luck.  Any thoughts?

12:58 pm
May 22, 2009



posts 40


I really hope you mean 1993 Silver eagles because since 9-11-2001 was the time of the WTC collaps there would be no 2003 WTC Silver eagle.

You can see the 1993 silver eagle here on the page, also try and upload a picture of your coin that will tell us a lot



1:08 pm
May 22, 2009


New Member

posts 2


Wow!  I'd better check it again when I get home and see what it was.  Maybe it was a Commemorrative eagle celebrating the 2nd anniversary of the wtc incident.  If that's the case, then I'm still good, if not, then i end up with another silver eagle for my collection!

Thanks for the help!  I still may upload a picture of it !

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